This version of the game is a game of luck, that requires you to know how to make 'sets' (see the rules for classic SET®). The art of bluffing can be used to increase your winnings.


To make the most 'sets' by using at least one card in your hand and the cards on the table. By doing so the player wins all the chips in the pot.


2 or more.


One card is dealt face up in the center, then one face down to each player. A second card is dealt face up in the center, then one face down to each player. After each SHOWDOWN (see below), if no player shows, an additional card is dealt face up in the center.


The turn to deal, the cards as they are dealt, and the turn to bet, all pass from player to player to the left. Once a player has dropped out, the turn skips him and takes up the next player to his left who has not dropped out.


Divide the chips (not included) equally among all players. The cards are shuffled and dealt by the dealer. There follows one or more betting intervals in which the players may bet their hands (or, if unwilling to bet, may drop). At the end of each betting interval, there is "the showdown" at which each player who has not previously dropped may show his/her 'sets'. If no one wishes to show, another card is placed face up on the table, and another betting interval begins with all players who have not dropped. If at any stage of the game every player but one has dropped, the latter takes the pot without showing any of his cards.


The players in the game must agree unanimously upon the limits of betting. There should be a maximum limit for each bet; the recommended limit is three. It is also desirable to limit the number of raises any one player may give in any one betting interval; the recommended limit is one per player.


In each betting interval, one player in the game has the privilege, or duty, of making the first bet. Each player in rotation after him may either:

(a) drop, by discarding his hand -- in this case, he no longer participates in the pot, and cannot win the pot regardless of what may later occur;

(b) call, which means that he places in the pot enough chips to make his contribution to the pot as great as the contribution of any other player (during that betting interval), but no greater;

(c) raise, which means that he places into the pot enough chips to call, plus one or more additional chips;

(d) check, which means "a bet of nothing" may be done provided no previous player has made a bet during that interval.

A betting interval ends when every active player has had at least one turn to bet, and when the bets have been equalized -- that is, when every player has either contributed the same amount as every other player has contributed during the betting interval, or has dropped.


When the bets have been equalized in the last betting interval, the dealer asks, "does anyone wish to show?" If a player has a 'set' he may or may not show it at this time. If he does show, then every player who has not previously dropped must expose his cards face up on the table. Whichever of these players has the highest number of 'sets' wins the pot and gathers it in -- all tie hands share equally in the pot. If some chips remain which are not divisible among the winners, they go to the winner with the least number of chips. All 'sets' must use at least one card from the player's hand.

Copyright © 1994, Marsha and Robert Falco